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林 頼我 /Drummer


1999年生 東京出身 


8歳からエレキベースを弾いていた父の影響もありドラムをはじめ、小学生6年生頃に下北沢屋根裏 や 三軒茶屋 HEAVEN'S DOOR などに出演を始める、その後世田谷区が主催し日野皓正氏が校長を務めたDREAMJAZZBANDに参加しビックバンドジャズを学び、中学校3年生頃に林栄一トリオと森順治カルテットに加入しプロ入り。


これまでにドラム、クラシックパーカッションを阿久井喜一郎、坂田稔、Scott Latham、合田和美、田中徳崇、各氏に師事。

2023年2月現在 坂田明Trio, 南博Band,吉本章紘Group,石崎忍Delve, 山口コーイチTrio,纐纈雅代ADHD,三嶋大輝Trio,細井徳太郎DNA,ビリージーンQuartet等で活動中。自身のバンドである12000Meters Underground,Pure Cure 5も活動中。

Raiga Hayashi was born in 1999 in Tokyo.

Started his professional career from 11 years old with the Punk band and at the age, he studied under the Terumasa Hino world-famous jazz trumpeter. From junior high school student, after school, he played drums with Eiichi Hayashi and Junji Mori who are free jazz maestro almost every night at the concerts as professional.


Went to Tokyo Metropolitan Sougou Geijyutsu High School Percussion instrument department, studied classical music theory and classical percussions.

He played with not only jazz musicians but also classical musicians, noise musicians, hip-hop musicians, and contemporary dancers.


His drumming is sharp, speedy but so unique and very original.

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